Saturday, May 07, 2005

rebel: one who refuses allegiance to, resist, or rises in arms against the established ruler a school teacher it's my mortal enemy. when will they learn to comply? when will they learn obedience? when will they realise that i am just trying to help them. if they would just conform... why do they refuse so stubbornly to fit the system?

but if i had a kid of my own would i want them conforming to people they engage with?

and why do i rebel? why do i push? i swirm? i just don't let myself fit? i get mad at people who love me? i resist.

i've betten myself up about this over the years. i knew i was a bit screwed up and figured that's why i was rebellious. i always associated rebellion with sin and presumed that once i was a mature christian grown-up god would relieve me of my rebellious spirit.

my thinking has changed.

jesus christ was the biggest rebel the world has ever seen. and there is still so much crap going on that needs rebelling against.
to be a christian is to be a rebel. i've just got to decide to what will i rebel. - charlie

'do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world. hate what is evil' (paul in romans) do any of you bible scholas out there know what paul meant by 'hate'. was it an emotion or an action?

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