Saturday, December 31, 2005

today is the last day i am a member of whitford church
today is the last day i am a 'leader'

new years eve - the day of reflection.

i have been a member of Whitford Church for 17 years. the first service we attended was in the shopping centre. i sat and listened to the strange new songs in about the spot which is now the chocolate isle. we became members in the first service in the 'new' building. i was baptised in the baptistery in year 4. my first 'ministry' was operating the overhead projector which i was quite bad at and always used to put the transparencies on upside-down.

i have been an usher, a car park attendent, a cafe helper, a small group leader, a children's church worker, a counsellor, a mentor, a mentee, a chicks surfie girls leader, a 'communion' preparer, a singer, a 'my story' organiser, a food hamper maker and deliverer, a Forest Edge (Fire-it-up) attender and leader, a women's ministry leader and a highschools worker. i canoed the blackwood river on a year 10 camp. i went on family camps to point peron and completed Discipleship Training School.

the first youth pastor was Kent Keller (but i wasn't allowed to go to youth because i was too young), then Phil Croot (finally ... i'm old enough), Scott Vawser, Glenn Bergsma, Matt Bartlett, Lauren Carroll and now Nick Martin.

i have made countless friends and received endless words of encouragement. i have 'back - sliden' and 'recomitted' to what i thought was Christianity countless times. i have wondered if i am a Christian because of whitford church or inspite of it. i would have sat through around 2200 sermons and sang over 10 000 songs.

so on december 31 2005, i would like to say a big huge thank-you to everyone who has invested into my life through the meeting place of whitford church. you're words of wisdom and encouragement, your music notes and prayers have not fallen on deaf ears. for better of for worse i have loved this church and i will only speak in the highest regards of you all.

good-bye x

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