Wednesday, March 01, 2006

freedom of speech

been going through the United Nation's Declaration of Human Rights with one of our adult english classes. this morning we did number 18.

'you have the right to think what you want and say what you like, and nobody should forbid you from doing so. you should be able to share your ideas also with people from any other country' (plain language version).

my mind is a bubbling pot of soup rather than a neatly organised speider's web. i can't seem to string a paragraph together so here's a few dot points.

  • mohammed cartoons (i assume they've been big news in perth)
  • thais openly critising their prime minister and demanding he resign.
  • our friends fear the police because they critise a government who shoots people at rallies and imprisons their family members without trial.
  • google censorship in china
  • 50 000 new bloggers a day in china (according to Time - we managed to find it in English YIPPEE)
  • The Da Vinci Code
  • Luther (movie)
  • Constantine (not the movie - the actual man)
  • That 'crazy' guy who denied the Holocaust
  • who writes the history books?...... the winners.

it seems like in years gone by there was a certain elite who controlled what infornmation was recorded, kept and read. and of course there are still people trying to be the ones who control 'what gets out'.

i have heard this current age referred to as the 'information age' . far more people now participate in the writing and sharing of information. (including bloggers!)

hmmm. i would like to end this blog with a snappy oneliner that sums what i'm trying to say up.

any suggestions?


1 comment:

Stephen Said said...

Hey. Who is this? Have we met? Just checking backward links to my blog and found you. G'day!