Sunday, September 30, 2007

my free speech

was chatting with a mate about 'why blog' the other day. why do i blog? ummmm... it feels healthy? i have a private written journal as well but there is something very releasing about putting it out there on the vast and lonely world wide web. i suppose it's like writing a speech... even if no one comes to listen it's still a valuable process for the speaker to go through...thinking, organizing and presenting thoughts. they say the best way to learn is to teach, so i'll happily teach, even if i'm the only one learning. like screaming a sermon into the desert. it feels good.

my mate wondered if blogs were about feeding ego's... like 'oh.. i wonder how many comments i got today'. maybe, but i don't think so. i'd rather feed my ego by being good a surfing or being really green or having loads of friends. those things are cool. being good at writing is a bit nerdy.

so i think i can safely say that i don't really mind too much how many people read this stuff. (which is probably a good thing because on the cyberspace map this site is not really a Sydney intersection, more of a Meliden culdesac... yes exactly, you don't even know where that is.) but i do love it when close mates do read it and mention it to me later... especially if it's about spiritually stuff. i guess it's nice to know that people care, or are at least willing to engage with me in soul wonderings.

and i suppose in the back of my head i hope that in 20 years time this blog will still be floating around for me to come back to and read, and remember where we were. who knows, dani might even read it one day?

our friends in Burma literally risk their lives to write their blogs.


udderendup said...

for me, writing is a passion and being good at it (although considered "nerdy" by some >;-( ha!)can easily slip into the realm of ego-affirmation in regards to who reads my writing and what are their thoughts.

This was one of the reasons i stopped my original blog and began a private one with no ability for people to comment, and no promotion of its whereabouts via the normal routes.

This means I have chosen to only reveal the location of it to a few close friends as an addition to our continual unfolding shared journey, and any commenting needs to be followed up in person or via a deliberate choice to write something.

so "yes" to the potential for blogs to be ego-building and "yes" to the beauty of sharing my thoughts "semi-privately" with some of those i care about, and who care about me.


Vawz said...

Why do I blog?
Well, actually I have been wondering about that lately as I have not been making follow up comments too much when people comment, and I have done very little reading of other peoples blogs, so I was thinking that maybe my blog is a kind of archive of me, for me. Pictures, memories, thoughts, all pretty much just for me in case I need to remember what I have read, watched thought etc in the past.