Monday, May 23, 2005

bike ride

had a fantasitic, angry and passionate conversation with hubby last night. we are so sick of talking, theorising, imagining. there is such a huge gap between the values of Christ (and therefore the values of a disciple) and the values that are shown in our daily lifestyle. there are so many inconsistencies in what we believe and in what we do. last night i swung between hanging my head in shame and banging the wall in frustration.

this morning i woke up, the frustration and conviction of the night before still burning in my spirit. i took one more baby step in the right direction.

i rode my bike to school. i actually acted out some of the values i've found myself talking about of late


*caring for the environment
*caring for my temple (without wasting god's money at the gym)
*not caring about what i look like (the no make-up flat hair image seriously made me question who's approval i was after)

i feel like a slightly more authentic human being today than i did yesterday, breathe... - charlie


Kel said...

Authenticity, when your inner and outer worlds meet and match. It's a challenge for each one of us. Know you are on a journey with many others as we struggle to live true to our beliefs.
At the same time, know there are just as many others who seem to be happy living one way and speaking another.
You go girl - walk your talk!

Vawz said...

This is so much where I am challenged at the moment. So much theory and so little practice. I started a compost heap...does that count?

c & c said...

yep...that's our next move :) you'll have to give us some tips -charlie

Anonymous said...

charlie you are beautiful in gods image. good work on the no make-up its a life changing thing to go out without anything to hide behind. good luck with lifes hypocricies, you will never understand them but baby-steps, remember that.