Friday, September 09, 2005

5 days later

5 days later and i have finshed reading Ishmael. my goodness - it has been a journey. my head spins with the clarity of new perspective. it would seem that at this point i am lost for words....... (pause)........ this book has connected with my believe system at so many levels. it has given me a whole new lens through which to read genesis. it quoted my favourite bible passage (matt 6) and affirmed my assumptions. it has given me a whole new context in my quest for living simply. it has articulated uncomprehensible memorings of my spirit. it has helped me rewrite the story that i enact each day.

5 days later and common sense has one again changed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is a priceless moment when things all fit together. there are no words to describe just an inner feeling of peace.
Faith and Grace XXX