Sunday, April 17, 2005

faith vs doubt

growing up i kind of unconsciously thought that doubt was the opposite of faith. over the years (particularly as a teenager) i questioned and doubted many elements of the 'rightness' of the christian culture that was presented to me. it was often assumed that my doubt was somehow connected to 'backsliding' or moving away from god.

i have never doubted christ. i have often doubted christianity. learning to differentiate the two has been my salvation.

don't you love it when someone else puts words to a sneaky suspision you have but are yet to define. this happened for me last night.

"faith that is not tested by doubt is a faith that leaves the individual vulnerable...doubt is the fire that purifies our faith. doubt burns up the hay, wood and stubble, leaving behind pure gold." - tony campolo

so i will continue to 'doubt' my version of christianty with the hope that my definition of christian will beome more and more like christ's definition of faith. - charlie


Garth said...

I will post again just to say I am greatly encouraged by your honesty and questions. I will continue to read with interest.

c & c said...

thanks garth :) i know you? do you have a blog?

Garth said...

Just click on my name and you will find my blog, or alternatively find me at

No we've not met, but your questions were mine a little while back and they resulted in new direction for me.

All the best for now.