Wednesday, July 20, 2005

the gospels

at every turn i realise i need to know and understand jesus better - and my greatest clues to this amazing man i have so often ignored. his story not told once but four times. four short stories of my personal hero - you'd think i'd be a bit more excited about reading them. they have always been sooo accessible to me, too accessible, too disposable. their pricelessness lost on me. imagine if i had only just discovered them - like the difference between the meaning of food to a fat or starving child....but now i am hungry. my concept of 'christian' has shattered and now all i want is to be a disciple of christ.

so of i go, to read the gospels. jesus, help me find you, help me know you, help me draw an accurate picture of what you are really like...amen.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your so inspiring, Charlotte!