Saturday, July 02, 2005

I Stand Alone - The Story Of Lord Shaftesbury By Jenny Robertson (kids book)

imagine that you are walking along a london street 140 years ago. the air is smokey from thousands of coal fires. the streets are dirty with horse droppings. a ragged man is scraping up some pieces of horse manure to sell for a few pence.

not only their way of life but people's idea were different then. the feeling that some people had a right to be rich while others would always be poor was very strong.

but one man did not accept the status quo. he dedicated his life to fighting for the rights of poor children in london. anthony ashley-cooper (later lord shaftesbury) stopped five-year-olds from working sixteen hours a day in factories. he rescued boy chimney sweeps from getting stuck up chimneys and made the practice illegal.

he looked at the conditions for children in london 100 years ago and could not reconcile apathy with his faith.

i wonder what i would have done if i was living in london 100 years ago? - charlie

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